Green Cloud Computing

Domain: IT Infrastructures

Integrating Sustainability in the Software and Cloud Lifecycle

Empowering Developers with Innovative Tools for Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Minimizing Carbon Footprint in Cloud Computing




Cloud Infrastructures with related Services

Toolbox to measure, analyse, and optimize the energy usage

Enable sustainable development and deployment practices

From challenges to solutions

The growing reliance on cloud computing has led to a surge in energy consumption, significantly increasing the carbon footprint of digital operations worldwide

Many software development models overlook the importance of sustainability, resulting in inefficient resource use and higher energy consumption

Finding a balance between maintaining high-quality services and ensuring sustainability is often challenging

We develop advanced algorithms and software tools that optimize the energy efficiency of cloud operations, reducing their environmental impact without compromising on performance

Our methodologies integrate sustainability into the software development lifecycle, from planning to deployment, ensuring energy efficiency is a priority at every stage

Our solutions demonstrate that it is possible to achieve both high quality and sustainability in cloud computing, proving that businesses do not have to compromise on their service standards to be eco-friendly

Deployed at following customers


Elaborating on the motivation and approach for this project

General Project Page

Overview page for the general project, its subpackages, milestones, and relevant dates

Project Presentation

A Webinar on the subject showcasing some of the developed tools

We are available at any time for questions, support, and troubleshooting